Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Denying the holy spirit

Many people are completely unaware that one simple phrase will render a fundamentalist or evangelical christian completely and absolutely unable to regain their status as such.

The mere thinking of the phrase:

I deny the holy spirit

This removes any hope of recovery, renders them instantly and permanently unchristian.

This is silly but a fact, they believe it, and once they have said it or even better read it and then made out what the words mean results in the immediate and permanent change of status.

It is completely and utterly irrevocable and they can't change nor do anything to undo what they have done.

Their thinking is beyond silly to think they actually have such a stupid ideology that would cause this and the fact that according to their beliefs have no way around it.

I deny the Holy Spirit is such a simple little phrase and oh so effective maybe now enough of them can finally be cured of their mental conditioning and brainwashed participation in such a bigoted and fascist religion.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Where are the written words of Jesus?

In all the time I have spent covering this issue not one person who is either fundamentalist, evangelical, catholic, or other christian denomination ever came clean and admitted that nothing whatsoever exists to show Jesus wrote a single word. Nothing, nada, zip has ever been produced, shown to prove a single word was scrawled, scratched, chiseled or marked down by him.

In fact there is absolutely nothing ever given or produced that proves the New Testament was written by his disciples. The earliest NT texts claimed to exist are from about 40-70 years AFTER the alleged date for the alleged crucifixion and even that date is contradicted by the NT!

So lets look at exactly what does exist....

First there exist copies of the torah which can be dated back to about 3,000 years BCE and some NT versions from about 70 CE, thats the earliest that scholars claim. The torah hasn't changed and in fact sophers count letter and words to insure exact copies are made to keep the book unchanged. As for the NT, well there are so many different copies that no one can even agree which one is the closest to the original books they do have since translations are being argued to correctness.

Next, not one bit of proof exist that the NT was written by the actual disciples and since no secular proof exists to show they existed that questions even the existence of the people who are given credit to have written down the heresay to begin with.

The writings of Josephus are quoted often by christians to say there is the proof that Jesus existed!!! Well even those meager two passages, little more than a sentence or two have been accepted to be complete and utter forgeries! Both christian and non christian scholars agree that the forgeries were inserted CENTURIES after Josephus died and that he never wrote them!

These forgeries did one thing though, they helped preserve his writings and that too is only speculation as the writing may have existed despite the forgeries.

So, with no proof of Jesus existing by any viable secular sources and no proof of any writings which would prove he existed, then the bottom line is without the proof he doesn't! Christians will often throw the bible out to you but the document is self serving and any self serving document can't substanitiate itself, it requires outside evidence and that doesn't exist.

this leaves the bible on par with theIlliad and other books of mythology and understand this is mythology since mythology is just religion called by another term. Look at the gods in the Illiad they too were worshipped by millions jsut as Jesus and other gods are today. That doesn't prove they exist it only shows that people choose to do so, without tangible proof and that is their decision. It is funny when you think that each religion holds itself to be the only valid one and has the right to conquer everyone else's religion,convert usually by force at some point and has the capacity to whip it's followers into frenzy whenever the need strikes.

It is alos an interesting fact that when you ask a follower to provide proof of their religion they either fail to comply or get angry with the person asking and why? the anger seems to surface when they are asked to justify their beliefs, something they seem to enjoy, but when directly asked for anything tangible they react much differently and often resort to at the very least raising their voicies as if their prior communitcation and discussions suddenly forgotten and thefight or flight survival emotion kicks into high gear.

The following post should give the reader something to ask themself to answer:

Online4Him »Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:35 pm : 0 : 0 Flag
Mike, Again my friend, do not pretend that this lifestyle has been an acceptable practice within the Christian faith. Your Postmodernist ideology built on cultural relativism is not what the historic Christian faith teaches...It is a faith based on repentance and faith in Jesus Christ who compels us by his grace; it is not a self constructed spirituality. All the Scripture twisting in the world will not give credibility to your cause and please stop hiding behind the word "hate"...this emotional rhetoric is getting a bit old.
By the way, I am in California; the state that has had to twice reiterate its choice for traditional marriage.
In response: first lets get the same sex marriage argument dealt with, the VERY small percentage that passed the bans were obtained by false advertising and a lot of out of state money. So lets make sure you report the facts and not let you make it sound like it was an overwhelming majority. the real facts are that Californians were basically split down the middle, hardly an overwhelming majority ! The pro 8 supporters used every lie and dirty tactic they could to sneak it in. That will soon change and then that issue can be laid to rest permanently. (If anyone wants info about the lies then look up the claims from the news sources, as I have already posted on these on this site in response to other articles)

Next,"...it is not a self constructed spirituality..."

REALLY! Well where are the writings by Jesus then?

I am asking for the authentic writings penned by him that were preserved by his followers and not those written by others claiming to have come from him, so no NT or bible references since none of it was penned by Jesus himself, I want the writings by Jesus himself and the authenticating documentation to prove it.

To be absolutely clear on this, the bible, the NT, OT or any other book, is not the writing of Jesus so that is not a response to my request. I am not nor am accepting any of the fore mentioned books or collections since none of these have ever been claimed to be written by Jesus personally so they don't meet what I asked for.

Pretty simple request, put up the proof or stop mentioning it as if something else satisfies the request since it is not nor was ever proven to be written nor ever proven to be from Jesus himself.

Should you not produce anything written by Jesus, then it will prove that nothing exists and this in no joke I am serious here. Then anyone making claims that he said, she said will no longer be needed as you have the chance now to put it up or finally be quiet about subject since you didn't provide when I asked. So to wowie, believer and the others on this site nothing here to get excited about I simply asked and now lets see it. Silence or posts that don't respond to the request exactly or who choose to ignore this request remember that you are now called upon as CHRISTIANS to defend your faith follow your rules and tell the truth here and keep to the exact conditions of my request after all it should be very simple either produce Jesus's personal writings or state that none exist.
Why does so much time pass between his promise to return during the lifetime of his [current] disciples gets swept under the rug? That portion of the NT doesn't get much coverage since it smacks down the second coming quite thoroughly and then it get changed later after that alleged promise went unfulfilled. Certainly a biblical scholar like yourself can answer that little problem.
How do you explain the vast contradictions where even the date of the crucifixion is given as two different dates and those dates were supplied by allegedly his own disciples! you can't both die and be buried before AND after the Passover! How do you explain the disparity of the 3 days in the tomb, where he is laid in a tomb Friday night and appears on Sunday,even if you toss out the jewish way of sundown to sundown to count days you still have the problem with only 1 1/2 days at maximum in total going by just the hours involved.

The bible was written by ordinary people and no proof exists as to who those people were only claims and the claims of ancient versions doesn't prove who wrote them at all. So lets see what you can post to prove your statement.

One question that never gets answered is why there is no secular proof in existence the even mentions Jesus existing let alone performing any miracles and the bible my friend, is not secular and remember if you bring up Josephus, the 2 claimed entries have already been determined to be forgeries, so that won't work.

Next if the bible wasn't written by ordinary people long after the claimed events, then why do so many ancient versions contain variances and as you noted, not one word has ever been shown to have been penned by Jesus.

The word hate you dislike so much is the perfect descriptive term to apply to those who promulgated it throughout the campaign and the ads were full of it.

So is there a better term to use instead of hate? Bigot sure fits well don't you think!

One final note, to those flagging posts Jesus appears here numerous times so if you flag this post just think about that you are also flagging Jesus's name along with it.


As you can see nothing to get excited about, nothing but inquiry and some comments in response to a post by a confessing christian made to convince the futility of the postion of anotehr who doesn't follow his beleifs and yet once again asked by me and once again NOTHING, Nothing
nothing given in response to a simple request.

Perhaps a reader here has the proof I asked for and if they can give exactly what I asked for then provide it.


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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Republican Fiscal Logic or How to Explain Gobblygook Economics

while watching Hannity on Fox News Network featuring an interview with Karl Rove on "his" version of economics.

Rove did his level best to twist, distort and to use as much double talk as I have heard in quite some time to finally explain the Stimulus Package that started when king Georgie Bush was in throned.

Lets give this explanation it's proper name Gobbly-gook Economics that is the advanced form of Trickle- down Economics that started with the Reagan years of control.

Having survived Reagan prior to his takeover of the Country and then having to endure the almost intolerable period until he was out of office was purely an exercise of extreme will.

Back to the 7.7% of the total 787 billion almost 1 trillion why isn't this working right now since it should be and ( Karl is hoping no one remembers this is a Bush creation) afterall the Republicans have prevented several of the major recipients from taking the money timely and then putting them into use immediately .... have I lost you yet???

So since the money is allocated but not disbursed and that it has to go according to the Republican changes that prevent it from being paid out for some time yet thus preventing any of it from actually being used for it's intended purposes so that the Republicans can continue to complain and say no but do absolutely nothing yet continue to complain.... Have I lost you yet?

Now back to Hannity interjecting to make sense of the senseless and then toss out Obama's plan?? (This is just name dropping and meant to incite fundies so they will act in goosestep lines and follow der leader Hannity) And he knows it was Bush's plan from last year and only revised slightly AFTER the election since Bush bailed on us and was basically a lame duck as his termed out and his reign was over.

The amount of damages he caused came to be known only after he left office and that the effects of his damages will continue to surface for some years to come.

Here is what needs to happen to fix the problem quickly:

1. Pay out the money faster;
2. Make the states take it and put into the local economy immediately;
3. Call the naysayers and hold a roundtable to make them back up their claims right now and then expose them when they fall flat;
4. Push the Bills like Health Reform, Economic Stimulus, Education Bills, etc NOW NOW NOW and stop trying kiss up to get the party of NO to make a move to support anything as they can't even agree who is in charge let alone agree among themselves but only come off looking like spoiled children who can't have their way.
5. Expose and investigate fully the Bush Administration and then Prosecute fully all involved Immediately. After conviction give them twice the "enhanced interrogation that any other prisoner received and let them rot the rest of their time away in windowless rooms.

By pushing for the investigation and bringing down all the clowns involved, as well as net up Canter, Ginrich, Cheney, Rove and the rest needing to focus onthe prosecutions and keep them off the news except to report how they are guilty and their attorneys will know they need to keep a low profile to survive a more serious conviction and sentencing.

Next get the real economists on the news channels since the Billo's, Hannitys and Beck will be expose and nailed for their biased broadcasting they can be also charged with criminal activity, trust me and this is another post, but they can be nailed if the Government really went after them.

Now that is a typical Fox explanation of economics and if you listen and can understand one while the other three are arguing amongst themselves you doing well.

There ya go a complete explanation ala Fox and the spin form the fair and balanced network.

One more thing, divest Murdock of his holding and split up the monoply so that the real fair and balanced news can be heard and get the biased fundies off the air so that reality and truth can finally be restored. Keep Keith and Rachel for at least trying to put out something closer to reality as opposed to Fixed News since Fixed News hasn't a clue to fair, let alone balanced unless you consider a scale lying sideways and one of the cups from the scale missing and the other so dented it holds virtually only the hot air from the commentators.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Majority of Pedophiles and Drug Dealers are Christians!!

The vast majority of pedophiles and drug dealers are christian and were christian before, during and even make claims they are still AFTER convictions for the very same conduct.

Priests, pastors, regular citizens, day school teachers, public school teachers, the list goes on and on with the majority being christians!!!

I have personally spoken with many criminals while employed as a Peace Officer and inquired among other questions what their personal religious beliefs were and the majority admit and list their personal religious beliefs, affiliations as christian.

A few and that would be very very few said they weren't christian, but the overwhelming majority being christian. The very percentages claimed by christian organizations say that christians are in the majority of American population and thereby their claims can't not at once claim to be majority and then back off the claim when it proves that convicted criminals aren't indeed christians because it places them in a position to explain why the religious beliefs didn't cause the convicted criminals to avoid committing the illegal acts that resulted in incarcaration.

Check the statistics in your state and you will confirm the statistics prove christians make up the majority of felons across the country. Criminals try to get their sentences reduced by playing the conversion card and that falls flat.

It is both sad and ironic that the claims of fundies and evangelicals make claims that following their beleifs will make them good moral people and then fail to admit that it not only doesn't do any such thing but even elected officials don't follow their own beliefs.

The joke is on the fundies and evangelicals who have to prove this post incorrect and to do so by valid secular proof, not post on their biased webpages. They do quite a lot of preaching and none of it is effective. Let them walk the walk and not just talk the talk which is meaningless when Sanford and ensign, Palin and the rest of politicians serve as direct examples of the very standards which they rail about by others.


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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mindcontrolled fundies and brainwashed evangelicals

Ever noticed when an evangelical or fundie (god squad) posts something with reference to an alleged or propose future effect of the proposed Matthew Sheppard Hate Crime Bill, seems to always, always always leave out information and facts.

Here is an example I was given on christian forum for abuses of hate crime legislation against a christian pastor:


"Pastor, Christian coalition violated human rights law, Alberta panel rules

Last Updated: Friday, November 30, 2007 | 4:37 PM MT

A former pastor and the Christian group he belonged to broke Alberta's human rights law by writing an anti-gay letter published in a Red Deer newspaper, a panel ruled Friday.

In 2002, Stephen Boissoin wrote a letter to the editor of the Red Deer Advocate that compared gay people to pedophiles and drug dealers. It was published under the headline "Homosexual agenda wicked."

'There are some reasonable lines that need to be drawn and some responsibilities that come along with free speech.'—Darren Lund, complainant

Darren Lund, a high school teacher in Red Deer at the time, complained to the Alberta Human Rights Commission that the letter was a hate crime after a gay teenager was attacked in the city.

On Friday, a commission panel decided Boissoin and the Concerned Christian Coalition of which he was executive director violated human rights law because the letter likely exposed gays to hatred and contempt.

"I find that there is a circumstantial connection between the hate speech of Mr. Boissoin and the CCC and the beating of a gay teenager in Red Deer less than two weeks following the publication of Mr. Boissoin's letter," wrote panel chairwoman Lori Andreachuk.

Lund, now a professor who teaches social justice in Calgary, was pleased with Friday's ruling after a five-year fight.

"I think the ruling was very strong on that, that you can't just hide behind saying something is my opinion or my belief and that somehow allows hate speech," he said.

"So I think that's essentially what the ruling enforces is that in this case there are some reasonable lines that need to be drawn and some responsibilities that come along with free speech."

'Clearly, the freedom of expression has been suppressed so we're disappointed.'—Jim Blake, Concerned Christian Coalition

Lund said he does not regret raising the complaint despite receiving hate mail and death threats.

Jim Blake, the current head of the Christian group, said all Canadians should be allowed to speak freely.

"Clearly, the freedom of expression has been suppressed so we're disappointed," Blake said.

Penalty to be determined

The panel has yet to decide on a punishment for Boissoin or the coalition, but Lund said if a fine is imposed, he'd like to see the money go to the Alberta Teachers Association's diversity, equity and rights committee.

During the human rights hearing in July, Boissoin testified that the coalition's CEO at the time, Craig Chandler, was aware of the letter and supported him.

Chandler won the Alberta Conservative party nomination in Calgary-Egmont earlier this month.

The Tory executive is reviewing his candidacy on Saturday because of concerns about comments he made on his radio show against homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

  • This story is now closed to commenting."
You will of course immediately notice that the person cited, charged and convicted was FORMER PASTOR and this was a LETTER published in a newspaper which lead to a teenager being attacked and beaten following the publication.

The bigoted comments lead to the attacks, the comparing of pedophiles, drug dealers, etc., never seems to stop and the comments were made by an INDIVIDUAL, FORMER PASTOR, NOT DURING A SERMON but on his own time and nothing to do with religious observance or inside of a church druing religious business.

this was immediately seen by the poster as violations of the bigots religious freedoms and the facts explaining the events were completely ignored and seen by the fundie poster as if the person who wrote the letter was now victimized for inciting the violent beating the teenager suffered as direct result of the letter!

All the godsquadders see is pastor conviction and nothin else. They disregard the rest of the story as if it were written as pastor convicted for practicing his religion!!

The Matthew Sheppard Hate Crime legislation must be passed immediately and enforced with a rath of biblical proportion against these godsquadders. Only then will the sermons change to admonishing hte attendees to believe the pastor and NOT take to the streets to attack others who don't follow their ridiculous ideology of hatred and self victimization.

Once the godsquaddersare made to see the reality of the secular law enforced and that their beliefs do not give them the right to enforce their ideology on others will be the wake up call to them to change this all out effort to convert America and the world.

The godsquadders seem to think their bible has always been in print and that no other philosophy, religion or standard exist prior to or afterward for people to follow. they carry on as if they alone decide what is right and wrong and no one can say otherwise and no amount of factual data or proof is sufficient to change their thinking.


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Is America a "christian nation"?

Concerning the separation of church and state in 1802, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter replying to the Danbury Baptist. In the letter he stated

“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”

Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, gave a clear concise response with regard to an inquiry as to America's status as a "christian nation" and made sure that it was understood it was not.

In the case from 1892, Holy Trinity Church v. The United States of America was a case about immigration, not religion. The facts dealt with an immigration issue and not a strictly religious one.

For proponents to make this into something it is not and then say it decided without any doubt that America is a "christian nation", only means that those who hold to this ridiculous assertion has again practiced a major fundie/evangelical tactic of taking something out of context and then spinning it into something completely different than it originally was intended to mean and extrapolate it into something else entirely.

Desperate fundies seeking to bolster there revisionist historical claims are nothing but a joke to everyone who actually has studied history and can comprehend it. To attempt to even massage or offer such a statement clearly illustrates the ignorance and stupidity of this sect of brainwashed imbiciles, who like lemmings will blindly accept anything from their pudits as long as it purports to furhter their forced takeover of America and to mak eeveryone follow the rest of the herd to their repeated ranting form a book that can't even reconcile it's own contradictions, let alone offer more than just suspect stories that aren't even supportable via it's followers.

Even the sects attorneys somehow fall victim to this habit of failing to recognize fact from fantasy although they suposededly spent years in school and trianign their minds to be capable of doing that.

The bottom line as always is when any fundie/evangelical speaks, writes, or even communicates, one must immediately question their veracity and make them produce their supporting evidence and especially the SECULAR evidence which undoubtly will instantly refute anything they have said that supports their content of some historical reference to "christian nation" hogwash.

Always make them put up and then show them so they can shut up. Only by a concert of effort will Ameirca be returned to it's original intenet and that is a complete separation of church and state and undo the damage already done to it's citizens.


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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Horrifying Story of Failure of Prayer

Follow the link to hear about the complete ignorance and stupidity of parents who let their daughter die of diabetes and didn't do anything medically to save her and the simple act of taking her to a doctor or a hospital to save her life but instead let her die on EASTER!!!


This Podcast will sicken you to no end over what these people did to this poor girl who needed medical assistance to deal with her diabetes and her parents, siblings and others who knew about her condition just prayed.

This practice lead to the mother being convicted of murder and rightly so. This is one of the most horrifying stories of allowing a person to die from neglect especially when her condition could have been corrected by proper medical care.

Obviously people like this mother should be jailed and their children who are in serious danger from her and others like her must be investigated and the proper authorities take the action necessary to remove and protect the children and to help them to receive the psychiatric treatment to remove the programming and take the steps to stop this deadly belief system from further infecting this country to prevent any other children from being harmed or killed.

Any belief system forced upon children should be investigated to minimize the effects and to insure that the children are kept safe from the brain washing that caused this and other deaths to people for neglecting the medical care they need to cure them not only from immediate medical emergencies but to remove the devastating effects of limiting the person's available remedies to prayer which has never been proven to have any effect let alone changing even the mental attitude of anyone engaging in this practice.

Comments are invited from responsible people who can think independently from brainwashed mind numbing ideologies that follow this fascist agenda.


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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rational Response Squad

Some time ago I happened upon an essay by an Athiest named Rook Hawkins entitled :

A Silence That Screams

This essay by the then 24 year old struck me as something that should be easily refuted and yet try as I might I couldn't do it. I took the essay to a Christian Podcast Forum and posted it there and not one of them could do it either.

Oh they tried, but not one of the bible thumpers could even hold to the secular premise let alone accept that the facts were there and quite simply accurate. The entire matter quickly earned me a suspension for daring to bring the essay to the forum and they were absolutely incensed by the fact I was not convinced that they hadn't beaten this "kid" as they called the author.

I could only laugh at the stupidity and shear ignorance of those who through their own frustration proved the author correct and that their position and fundamentalist and evangelical religious ideology completely and utterly without foundation.

The link is here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/silence_screams_no_contemporary_historical_accounts_quotjesus#comment-157635

Go ahead give it a try and remember that Josephus didn't write anything about the Jesus of the New Testament, those two entires are confirmed to be forgeries and inserted many years later by Christians and those entries are credited with saving Josephus's written work, so some good did come from the forgeries after all.

Good luck....

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Friday, July 3, 2009

365 videos or 1 a day

an ambitious project is announced:


Go check this guy out!

I hope he makes it!


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Sarah Palin Leaves Alaska Hanging

Sarah Palin announced today that she was quitting as Governor of Alaska and leaving office as of July 26, 2009.

This woman has an amazing following who seemingly don't get what she really is and that is a vindictive person capable of carrying out a ridiculous amount of retaliation against anyone who simply tells the truth about her and one minute she is fine and the next she is engaging in an all out war to get them at all costs. The News Media grants her airtime and enormous amounts of coverage and for what? So she can flip back and forth over meaningless nothings that most people wouldn't give a second thought about much less much of a first, but not Palin she is utterly ruthless in her campaign to eradicate anyone she decides speaks about her and it is Palin who can't realize that.

Look at the fact that she kept her pregnancy secret for 7 months and did the following:

Palin—, after all, who kept a pregnancy secret for seven months, flew all the way home from Texas to Alaska with a near-full-term baby while leaking amniotic fluid, and then finally drove the 45 minutes from Anchorage to a hospital in Wasilla, all so that the child could be born in the 49th state.

(source - http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2009/08/sarah-palin200908?printable=true&currentPage=all)

She now has a baby with down syndrome and has sent out emails that signed as God. She has also made a number of statements claiming that it is because of God's will that America is in the Iraq war when it is clear that Bush and Cheney lied to get us into it. She has made so many ridiculous announcements concerning God that questions about whether or not she can actually separate reality from fantasy or how long has it been since she could and even that is doubtful.

For a Governor to quit with a major crisis facing the State in which they were elected voluntarily and possibly due to declining popularity should be a major concern since this person was at one time possibly the next Vice President of America and with her inability to deal with just everyday situations let alone serious problems that exist in the Oval Office is frighteningto think about. What if McCain and Palin HAD been elected and McCain was suddenly unable to function as President, that would have allowed this whack job to run the Country as Commander in Chief and with her fundamentalist ideology mind controlled religious state America might have been involved in nuclear war!!

People wake up religious whack jobs like Palin need to undergo serious evaluation by qualified psychiatrists and then quietly put on medication in a nice safe padded room where they can't hurt themselves and especially anyone else. She is still out there and undoubtedly going to seek higher office and the fundies whack jobs will assist her and this is a person that is a candidate for the funny farm.

Until the fundies and evangelicals are finally fully recognized as the fascist regime working toward bringing about the Fourth Reich and the return to a complete institution of fascist Germany no one is going to be safe from the religious whackos and they have sufficient monetary backing and enough media clout to accomplish it!

Make sure that in the next elections you vote and absolutely insure that the perosn you vote for has at the very least a firm grip on reality and not a brainwashed, mind controlled pulpit puppet llike this Palin character! If these folks get back in they won't stop at what Bush did, but make sure that the takeover is made complete and any recollections of Constitutional law is over and done with for good! They won't give you any room and the complete institution of Marshall law with monitoring and the full implementation of every possible restriction for non fundies will prevent anyone who isn't of the minions to live any kind of a life without their conversion and if you think the Inquisition was bad look at the Torture that was used and considered legal.
Just think about what they will do next and there won't be any escape.

These folks want to control you and the rest of the world, to force everyone under their control and will stop at nothing to get there. Laws won't protect you, look at FACE ACT violations and what happened to Dr. Tiller, he was killed by a religious fundie whacko and nothing was done to stop him and he was caught with weapons, explosives and the authorities were told several times and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO PREVENT HIS EXECUTION And the media allows the killer to have air time!!!

No Palin and her ilk must not be allowed to access to any office and only clear thinking, non fanatical people with a balanced approach to religious views can be allowed ot hold office. Nutjobs and seriously deranged people like Palin need medical help not fund raising for elected office.

Palin needs to just leave the rest of us alone and stay in her little town away from the normal folks who want nothing from her and certainly nothing to do with her. She needs to live a long life tucked away in a nice padded cell and kept sedated to prevent having to listen to her.

If you can't see that Palin IN MY OPINION is in serious need of psychiatric evaluation then you aren't paying attention as anyone with that much attachment to fundie ideology gave us mothers that hack kids to pieces to save them from demons, a Sunday school teacher on trial for doping and raping and killing a little girl, abortion killers, terrorism and the list continues.

Decide for yourself and determine that you either make sure that these religious whack jobs stay out of office and away from the rest of us or be ready to become a fascist zombie in the next election.

Here is a link that very carefully examines Sarah Palin's claims of "millions of dollars" were spent to investigate a defend her for ethics complaints and "her contention" that she was "EXONERATED OF ALL CHARGES"


Please take the time to read through it and make your own determination of what happened, what Sarah Palin did, said and the validity of her representations and then comment here after reading it through, and IF you still believe she was exonerated and innocent of wrongdoing then explain it, while giving your examples from the linked article and simply prove it.
This of course is my opinion but if you carefully examine the facts you might agree as well.


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