Saturday, July 18, 2009

Where are the written words of Jesus?

In all the time I have spent covering this issue not one person who is either fundamentalist, evangelical, catholic, or other christian denomination ever came clean and admitted that nothing whatsoever exists to show Jesus wrote a single word. Nothing, nada, zip has ever been produced, shown to prove a single word was scrawled, scratched, chiseled or marked down by him.

In fact there is absolutely nothing ever given or produced that proves the New Testament was written by his disciples. The earliest NT texts claimed to exist are from about 40-70 years AFTER the alleged date for the alleged crucifixion and even that date is contradicted by the NT!

So lets look at exactly what does exist....

First there exist copies of the torah which can be dated back to about 3,000 years BCE and some NT versions from about 70 CE, thats the earliest that scholars claim. The torah hasn't changed and in fact sophers count letter and words to insure exact copies are made to keep the book unchanged. As for the NT, well there are so many different copies that no one can even agree which one is the closest to the original books they do have since translations are being argued to correctness.

Next, not one bit of proof exist that the NT was written by the actual disciples and since no secular proof exists to show they existed that questions even the existence of the people who are given credit to have written down the heresay to begin with.

The writings of Josephus are quoted often by christians to say there is the proof that Jesus existed!!! Well even those meager two passages, little more than a sentence or two have been accepted to be complete and utter forgeries! Both christian and non christian scholars agree that the forgeries were inserted CENTURIES after Josephus died and that he never wrote them!

These forgeries did one thing though, they helped preserve his writings and that too is only speculation as the writing may have existed despite the forgeries.

So, with no proof of Jesus existing by any viable secular sources and no proof of any writings which would prove he existed, then the bottom line is without the proof he doesn't! Christians will often throw the bible out to you but the document is self serving and any self serving document can't substanitiate itself, it requires outside evidence and that doesn't exist.

this leaves the bible on par with theIlliad and other books of mythology and understand this is mythology since mythology is just religion called by another term. Look at the gods in the Illiad they too were worshipped by millions jsut as Jesus and other gods are today. That doesn't prove they exist it only shows that people choose to do so, without tangible proof and that is their decision. It is funny when you think that each religion holds itself to be the only valid one and has the right to conquer everyone else's religion,convert usually by force at some point and has the capacity to whip it's followers into frenzy whenever the need strikes.

It is alos an interesting fact that when you ask a follower to provide proof of their religion they either fail to comply or get angry with the person asking and why? the anger seems to surface when they are asked to justify their beliefs, something they seem to enjoy, but when directly asked for anything tangible they react much differently and often resort to at the very least raising their voicies as if their prior communitcation and discussions suddenly forgotten and thefight or flight survival emotion kicks into high gear.

The following post should give the reader something to ask themself to answer:

Online4Him »Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:35 pm : 0 : 0 Flag
Mike, Again my friend, do not pretend that this lifestyle has been an acceptable practice within the Christian faith. Your Postmodernist ideology built on cultural relativism is not what the historic Christian faith teaches...It is a faith based on repentance and faith in Jesus Christ who compels us by his grace; it is not a self constructed spirituality. All the Scripture twisting in the world will not give credibility to your cause and please stop hiding behind the word "hate"...this emotional rhetoric is getting a bit old.
By the way, I am in California; the state that has had to twice reiterate its choice for traditional marriage.
In response: first lets get the same sex marriage argument dealt with, the VERY small percentage that passed the bans were obtained by false advertising and a lot of out of state money. So lets make sure you report the facts and not let you make it sound like it was an overwhelming majority. the real facts are that Californians were basically split down the middle, hardly an overwhelming majority ! The pro 8 supporters used every lie and dirty tactic they could to sneak it in. That will soon change and then that issue can be laid to rest permanently. (If anyone wants info about the lies then look up the claims from the news sources, as I have already posted on these on this site in response to other articles)

Next," is not a self constructed spirituality..."

REALLY! Well where are the writings by Jesus then?

I am asking for the authentic writings penned by him that were preserved by his followers and not those written by others claiming to have come from him, so no NT or bible references since none of it was penned by Jesus himself, I want the writings by Jesus himself and the authenticating documentation to prove it.

To be absolutely clear on this, the bible, the NT, OT or any other book, is not the writing of Jesus so that is not a response to my request. I am not nor am accepting any of the fore mentioned books or collections since none of these have ever been claimed to be written by Jesus personally so they don't meet what I asked for.

Pretty simple request, put up the proof or stop mentioning it as if something else satisfies the request since it is not nor was ever proven to be written nor ever proven to be from Jesus himself.

Should you not produce anything written by Jesus, then it will prove that nothing exists and this in no joke I am serious here. Then anyone making claims that he said, she said will no longer be needed as you have the chance now to put it up or finally be quiet about subject since you didn't provide when I asked. So to wowie, believer and the others on this site nothing here to get excited about I simply asked and now lets see it. Silence or posts that don't respond to the request exactly or who choose to ignore this request remember that you are now called upon as CHRISTIANS to defend your faith follow your rules and tell the truth here and keep to the exact conditions of my request after all it should be very simple either produce Jesus's personal writings or state that none exist.
Why does so much time pass between his promise to return during the lifetime of his [current] disciples gets swept under the rug? That portion of the NT doesn't get much coverage since it smacks down the second coming quite thoroughly and then it get changed later after that alleged promise went unfulfilled. Certainly a biblical scholar like yourself can answer that little problem.
How do you explain the vast contradictions where even the date of the crucifixion is given as two different dates and those dates were supplied by allegedly his own disciples! you can't both die and be buried before AND after the Passover! How do you explain the disparity of the 3 days in the tomb, where he is laid in a tomb Friday night and appears on Sunday,even if you toss out the jewish way of sundown to sundown to count days you still have the problem with only 1 1/2 days at maximum in total going by just the hours involved.

The bible was written by ordinary people and no proof exists as to who those people were only claims and the claims of ancient versions doesn't prove who wrote them at all. So lets see what you can post to prove your statement.

One question that never gets answered is why there is no secular proof in existence the even mentions Jesus existing let alone performing any miracles and the bible my friend, is not secular and remember if you bring up Josephus, the 2 claimed entries have already been determined to be forgeries, so that won't work.

Next if the bible wasn't written by ordinary people long after the claimed events, then why do so many ancient versions contain variances and as you noted, not one word has ever been shown to have been penned by Jesus.

The word hate you dislike so much is the perfect descriptive term to apply to those who promulgated it throughout the campaign and the ads were full of it.

So is there a better term to use instead of hate? Bigot sure fits well don't you think!

One final note, to those flagging posts Jesus appears here numerous times so if you flag this post just think about that you are also flagging Jesus's name along with it.


As you can see nothing to get excited about, nothing but inquiry and some comments in response to a post by a confessing christian made to convince the futility of the postion of anotehr who doesn't follow his beleifs and yet once again asked by me and once again NOTHING, Nothing
nothing given in response to a simple request.

Perhaps a reader here has the proof I asked for and if they can give exactly what I asked for then provide it.


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