Evangelical and Fundamentalist Churches are losing the Youth Members
Ken Ham, a evangelical creationist spends a great deal of time whining about how he is unable to convince people that his belief in creationism should be theirs and simply can't understand that his religious beliefs are not science. Ham has difficulty in grasping the simple fact that people no longer blindly accept his stupid and very ignorant position that has already been tested on every possible level and even lost in a Court of Law with the leading "scientists" of his ilk having ample time to put forth every argument they could and lost.
Creationism is not science, his brand of religion goes against the very teachings of the original ideology and even prevents and prohibits it's members from exercising original thinking that contradicts his ideology. In fact one needs only to argue a point with one like Ham and once that person is seeming to come around to logic and actual facts another will cquickly jump in and cause the mind control buzz words to make them snap back into the brainwashed blankness that permeates the evangelical/fundamentalist brand of so-called religion.
No wonder people and not just the young have no use for it, with politicians violating core ideology while proclaiming that others must adhere showing everyone it is do as I say , not as I do mentality among even the most recognized membership. The utter ignorance and stupidity is so blatant that it no longer needs anyone to point it out but for anyone to just watch and listen as it will only be a short time until examples from the fundamental/evangelical movement gives one and most likely several. The sad part of it is that they will do so and most likely be unaware they did, then continue claiming to be victims for people alerting them to their actions.
When will this group finally be investigated to protect the children form abuse and the mental anguish that is demonstrated so often by the examples paraded across the tv screen with mothers hacking their kids to pieces to save them from perceived demons and devils, to sunday school teachers who drug, molest, rape and kill children then pretend that it was ordained by their god.
The actions of those people are not of Christianity, nor are they even close or remotely connected to anything that was, is or will be True Christianity. The movement has imploded, it is a disaster, it is resorted fascist terrorism and will continue until the cult behavior is investigated and determined to be not religious but simply the next phase of fascism and thereby able to be stopped, stopped via only legal methods, no violence, no headlines, just simply provide the help these people need and should be given to help them to recover from this bad reliance upon the fascist agenda and not religion.
Labels: Abuse, Christianity, Christians. Mind Control, Church-State Relations, Creationism, Cult, Evangelicals, fascist, Fundamentalist, Ken Ham, Mind control, Politics, Separation of powers