Monday, September 28, 2009

Fundie feeds his dad to dogs!

The following link concludes the sage of Jeremiah Raymond Berry who fed his father to coyotes!

He tried to claim he was insane to avoid paying for his actions after saying his father molested him and that his father had been told by God, yes another fundie abusing his kids to have Raymond undergo a sex xhange operation so Raymond could become a female to serve his whacko fundie father's perverted needs.

Well after the Southern Baptists have ordained a convicted child molester and turned him loose around the children of the congregation it should not come as too much of a shock to find the son of a whack job fundie fed his daddy to dogs after he was sexually abused and used in some sick fundie rituals and no doubt others will find some reason to blame supernatural forces instead of focusing on the real source that is their ideology and fascist conditioning that is ever tightening upon the throats of people throughout America and the rest of the world.

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Friday, September 11, 2009

Pledge of Allegiance or Pledge of Obedience???

During the "red scare" in the 1950's a senator named Joseph McCarthy had whipped up a panic and eventually convinced Congress to modify several things:

1. The Motto on our money - Changed to "In God We Trust";
(Congressional action in 1955 which placed "In God We Trust" on all U.S. coins and currency)

2. , 1956 law making the phrase "In God We Trust" the U.S. motto.

3. The words "under God" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance were added in 1954 by Congressional Mandate;

The fundamentalists and evangelicals want people to believe that these terms have always been in place but they refuse to admit this and inform and to make sure that their membership fully understand this and are able to state these facts which they work to cover up.

Revisionists among the fundies work very hard to convince people, especially their programmed masses to spread these falsehoods and to argue with/prevent discussion about this when anyone brings up the subject and tries to correctly present the truth to others among their flocks.

In order for the fascists to make people follow their ideology which was a blod based religion infused into a political agenda and thereby after destroying ( book burning) any source material to the contrary managed to convince the population to fall in line with the fascist party line.
During the process of accomplishing this conversion to the blood based theocracy of fascism there was quite a bit of obstruction and attacks directed to others who were accused of doing what the nazis were actually doing and this was done to cause the populace to believe it was the attacked victims and not the nazis committing the damages.

Today in America we are seeing the very same thing is happening with the fundies and evangelistas spreading revisionist propaganda and preventing logical fact based discussions to alert people to this takeover. The problem didn't stop with king George leaving the Whitehouse, it only made those left in Congress, in State Legislatures and local governments more determined to resist and fight to keep their gained ground and to stop at any cost, anyone or group from exposing them and/or putting a stop to this ideology by simply pointing it out to people and asking them to think.

The problem is with the mind controlled/brainwashed masses unable to break the dominion and control of the pulpit puppets and the leaders dictating to them to continue with the agenda and eventual takeover the victims are still left unable to clearly think and recognize what has been done to them.

Hopefully the current movement of some religious leaders will have an effect to provide a real honest place for recovering victims to go to in order to fully shake off the programming suffered by the robotic minions that still exist. Everyone must do their part and assist those still enslaved to the fascist fundies and evangelicalistas and only by the complete and utter exposure of their agenda and the full ability to think, discern and recognize that America's secular heritage with the full support of the populace will the cause be won.

Remember watch the News and Media Reports and pay careful attention at the growing number of fundies committing crimes, especially those who parrot things like "voices they hear in the heads", " Jesus directs them", "The lord called them to do it", or something akin to apocalyptic thoughts and the "end times", The Second Coming", etc., since these are a clear give away of the programmed puppets who are not able to think independently and will take violent action to stop anyone from keeping them from the full return to fascism under the guise of religion.

So the next time you are called to recite the Pledge of Allegiance make sure it is actually that and not the Pledge of Obedience which is the one that includes the words "under God" and not the one that goes from indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

To continue with the 1954 included phrases is in direct violation of the Establishment Clause of the Constitution and any true America who supports the Constitution must take the necessary legal steps of educating people and convincing Congress to fix what was done during another period of fear and stupid legislation based upon a fear which is the wrong postion to legislate from.
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Pedophile Bible Study

Westminister California Police arrested and the District Attorney is prosecuting a child molester who sexually attacked children at Bible Studies in his home.,0,6090320.story

Not only are fundamentalists and evangelicals programming their members to hack up their babies, allow them to die when adequate medical care would cure them and allow them a normal life, but it seems that fundie pedophiles are now molesting children at Bible Studies.

Pedophiles are sometime termed mentally ill. sick individuals who need psychological help to recover from their disgusting practices. So with the recent scandals of Roman Catholic Priests caught in molestation convictions and the church paying out obscene amounts of settlements does it stop there?

NO! It does not and it continues under the very noses of people involved in a fantasy existence and they justify it by group indoctrination.

Check this link out for information on the Jehova's Witnesses practice on dealing with pedophiles in their ranks. For instance here is what happens to an accused molester:

Myth 2: Jehovah's Witnesses take precautions to protect children within their organization against accused child molesters.

The Truth is

"Sex offenders are given complete anonymity when they are discovered. An accused pedophile is viewed as an innocent man, and elders and members of a congregation others are disallowed from warning people of the accusations against the molester. An accused pedophile is allowed to freely move from one Jehovah's Witness congregation to another, without a letter to follow. An accused pedophile can serve as an elder or have any privilege in a congregation even if convicted by a court of law. In fact, this protection for an accused pedophile extends to this policy: if any Jehovah's Witness disagrees with this policy, then that person can be deemed "causing divisions" and is subject to disciplinary action by the organization."

Here is another instance:

Myth 4: Jehovah's Witnesses take steps to protect children in the public from accused, confessed and convicted child molesters.

The Truth is

Jehovah's Witnesses approve, condone, and encourage accused, confessed, and convicted child molesters to call door to door on unknowing potential victims in the witnessing work. The Watchtower Organization requires all members of its organization to participate in witness work, going door to door in the public to spread the word about the bible. The Watchtower Organization does not prohibit a confessed or convicted child molester from contact with children in going door to door to witness (preach about the bible).

The primary purpose of witnessing when Jehovah's Witnesses go door to door in the public is to start home bible studies. If an accused or convicted pedophile starts a study with a family who has children, no directive is offered on protocol of how this is to be handled. No policy exists within the Watchtower Organization that prevents a Jehovah's Witness child molester from studying the bible with families (even those with children) outside of a Jehovah's Witness congregation. There have been occasions where a molester started a bible study with people that have shown interest in religion and then molested their children.

Moving on to the Southern Baptists....

From an article in Kentucky,

LEXINGTON, Ky. (ABP) -- A former Southern Baptist youth minister in Kentucky was sentenced Oct. 31 to 10 years in prison after confessing to sexually exploiting a 14-year-old girl he met while posing as a 17-year-old youth evangelist on the social-networking website MySpace.

Timothy Scott Richerson, 40, of Greensburg, Ky., admitted in July that he met the girl online and then followed up with computer and telephone messages during the summer of 2007. That September he drove about 50 miles from his home in Greensburg, Ky., to the victim's home in Madison County, where he sexually exploited her.

The girl's mother became suspicious after several visits by Richerson. She found sexually explicit text messages on her daughter's phone and called police. The Kentucky State Police arrested Richerson in Greensburg Oct. 12, 2007, and a federal court indicted him in March, as part of Project Safe Childhood, a Justice Department initiative aimed at protecting children from online predators.

From the examples given and the links to prove the events it is quite plain to see that these fundamentalist and evangelical groups are engaging in not only illegal but depraved, disgusting and outright sickening behavior while turning a blind eye to the protection of the children.

This has got to stop and full investigations into these abuses followed by convictions are needed to stop these people from abusing anyone else. There is no excuse to allow this to happen to ANY CHILDREN and the fact the Southern Baptists are unwilling to properly investigate those interacting with their children clearly shows they condone it. The congregation could do background checks regularly to keep updated on the people who are there and interact with the children.

The time is far past to allow this to continue and to allow pedophiles to hide in the ranks should be reason enough to keep their children out of these groups.

Until the membership is made to obey the laws that protect everyone then they should be constantly scrutinized by persons with the power to arrest, charge, try and convict them to enforce the law. No one should be above the law in these fascist religious groups where people and especially children are victimized physically or mentally through scare tactics or fictionalized accounts of events that cannot be proven or substantiated.


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Evangelical Preacher Hijacks Plane

An evangelical preacher was arrested for attempting to hijack a plane and told authorities his reasons for doing so were divinely inspired.,0,5597155.story

The link is a LA Times story about this person who needs psychological help more than he needs to stand at a pulpit. Far too many stories and reports of events stemming from a evangelical or fundamentalist who have acted out on their religious beliefs and broken the law.

Often they claim to have been inspired to act and then realize that it was their religious ideology that caused the motivating factor only to find out they were wrong and many of these acts have resulted in great harm and even death to innocent people.

The pattern is easy to see like in this one he acted out and reliance upon Jesus that moved him to do the illegal acts. like the mothers who hacked up their children, the parents who prayed instead of taking their sick children to a doctor where they later died due to the parents religious beliefs.

How many more of these mentally ill people are loose in the world and are going to kill more innocent people? How many more of these whackjobs are loose and when is the public going to wake up and finally recognize that the evangelicals and fundamentalists are not practicing any legitimate form of Christianity, that they are simply programming gullible people and scaring them into compliance with fascism under the guise and thinly veiled ruse of religion.

Those under the control of those factions work very hard to maintain their dominion and control over the masses and when a story like this is printed they just pass it off as isolated, but there are too many and each make the same claims.

The claims are:
1. Jesus spoke to them;
2. They were compelled to act to prevent a serious event;
3. Their actions were for the good of others even though very often people are seriously hurt or killed;
4. The pastors and church members had prior knowledge of their actions BEFORE they acted and did nothing to prevent it;
5. The pastors and church members ignore the seriousness of the acts and continue the same practices thus producing additional agents who commit the same acts;
6. Authorities are not acting to prevent these crimes from happening due to the religious affiliation and when they do act the penalties are less than it would be if committed by a non fundie or evangelical

There are other facts that can be listed but the above are sufficient for now to make the point and to provide a checklist to be aware of and possibly prevent future events if people will simply pay attention and be alert to the potential present in fundie churches and groups today.

If you are aware of anyone in a fundamentalist or evangelical group engaging in fear of governmental take over, end of the world illogical ideas, obsessive and compulsive reliance upon the Bible and the inability to think about reasonable concepts without having to parrot verses and/or try to convince others of illogical ideology then take steps to protect yourself and others.

If these people speak about doing anything illegal or that "voices" are speaking to them then they could be in serious need of psychological treatment and may be capable of very serious acts and must be helped by reporting it to the proper authorities to prevent another killer mother or hijacker which is nothing more than terrorism under the guise of religion.

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