Monday, August 3, 2009

Striking a Nerve

From the recent amount of responses to my blog mostly from those who seem to have very limited vocabularies and to draw mainly from vulgar expressions will not result in publishing of said offerings.

Those who have actually put forth comments that refrain from using gutter speech AND address the issue of the particular post will find their responses being published. As time permits, I am responding as well in an effort for the discussion to grow and perhaps over the course of the post's life we will all come away with a better understanding of the subject.

I do find that some responses are simply just derogatory in nature which is so typical to anyone like me who bothers to put out any material which exposes the fundamentalist and evangelical ideology and detail out their agenda. The problem for those folks is that they are indeed upset that they can't force their ideology upon thinking people and that they become so angry at the fact that after years of discussing and posting on these subject that they, the fundie community have such objection to anyone taking the time to even write about them in the first place. let alone speak truthfully about them. Their major objections are being made to realize and recognize their faults!

So remember if you choose to comment avoid the vulgar expressions and keep to the topic or you will find your comments are not going to appear. Address the issues and not engage in simply attacking the author of this blog since that doesn't serve to accomplish anything to further your position and will only result in a waste of time.

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