Friday, June 12, 2009

Another Fundie Breaks their Word

Carrie Prejean was recently dethroned form her Miss California title for breaching her contract and thereby was relieved of her title for doing so.

When Prejean entered the contest she agreed to abide by the terms of the contest knowing full well she would have to make appearances and to act in accordance with the terms that all the past holders of the title have done. In her case she simply used the title to further the agenda of the religious right and to ignore her duties and then soapboxed the agenda of the religious right while whining during her media interviews.

She was given a pass earlier when they should have kicked her to the curb, but instead gave her a chance to meet the terms of the agreement but instead she continued on her reincarnated Anita Bryant campaign to further the goals of the same said agenda.

She has nothing to complain about period. She has to understand that when you sign a contract, especially with her past experience you have to meet the conditions of said contract and that if you didn't intend to do so then you induced the other party fraudulently to honor their end of the contract.

The best way to handle the situation with Prejean is to stop giving her a venue in which she can continue to soapbox for the religious right and to incorrectly state that her discharge was anything but breach, but the media will continue to let this pulpit puppet to rant, whine and complain as long as viewers and listeners will give an ear and eye to the coverage. If you want to stop bigoted commentary then is would be simple enough to just forgo any additional time to her.

It is solely due to her continued complaints about her mistaken interpretations of Constitutional Rights and how glaringly wrong she is about them. One would think with all the people pushing the agenda could at least give her correct legal advice and that way she could at least make the appearance of being informed about reality and not remove any doubt by speaking.

As long as the media grants space the bigots will continue to rant, influence ignorant and uninformed people whose only source of law and civil rights come from their local clergy and the members of their churches. It is past time for allowing ignorance and stupidity to flourish among the people and to finally educate those who live in a fantasy world governed by the particular bible they are read to by their clergy and to have to actually recognize that reality is something that exists and that fantasy is simply that.

The American public simply must recognize that it is long past time to act to put an end to religious ideology being forced upon us and to help those poor deluded people to get the help to recover form the brainwashing that is taking place in those so called places of worship and for people who call themselves Christian to act and practice Christianity as a true Christian.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

you do realize that 60% of America agrees with her so-called "bigoted commentary"

August 7, 2009 at 4:53 PM  
Blogger ALOCKSLEE said...

Do you have any links to this 60% comment?

The source of the poll data from where you found the percentage would be helpful.


August 8, 2009 at 4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize, I rounded up to 60%. The actual number is 57%. But thats mere percentage points. As you can see on the first graph, 40% of American Citizens are for Same-sex marriage, which leaves 60% (including our President) on the other side. That is where I got 60% from.

This is of course with a +/- 3%, as all polls are never exact.

This is done by Gallup, the most famous and reputable of all Polls. So this hardly disputable.

Anyways, the Link is:

August 8, 2009 at 5:22 PM  
Blogger ALOCKSLEE said...

Any poll is disputable and it depends on how and from whom the data was collected.

An example of polls that aren't valid are the polls that is used often by Fox News, Bill, Sean etc. Those polls usually base their alleged facts from a measly 1,000 folks and of course the actual information from those polls are rarely if at all released.

So, just because it carries a recognized name, it doesn't mean it is automatically valid due to the pollsters, you have to view the data and decide.

August 10, 2009 at 4:38 PM  

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